Co-organizer of art platform POUBELLE_united.

Exhibition at the ArtChapel in Amsterdam.

P O U B E L L E 

"The Beauty of Waste Material" 

The waste bin, packaging, rubbish from the street: artists often use materials that have been thrown away. 
They make art from these discarded items for a variety of reasons. It may be that a found object has qualities that intrigue the artist. A pre-used item is not a ‘blank canvas’: it has its own history; it has already acquired meaning. 
Such materials by itself may well be the artwork when presented as art.
Working with pre-used resources may also be an act of resistance: a refusal to squander brand new materials, a protest against the large sums of money involved in the art market.
Whatever the artist’s motivation, he or she is following in others’ footsteps: Fluxus, Zero, Arte Povera. This last group frequently destroyed their work after the exhibition was over.

P O U B E L L E exhibitions are curated by Mirjam Berloth and Lisbeth Parisius

Instagram: @poubelle_united

Photo and youtubefilm by Mirjam Berloth